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Hard Wind

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Black iron bars everywhere. Nothing to do, but count the cockroaches on the wall. The chink and rattle of my chains sounding loud in the stillness of the cell with every movement that I make. All this to just keep me from the freedom of the wide open plains beyond the bars of my window. I didn’t like rules and I broke them whenever I could. That was why I was here rotting in this Mexican hell hole of a prison.

Logan Collins was hell bent and he would be the first one to admit it. Cattle Rustler, Bank Robber, Hired Gun ………. the list went on. One thing he wasn’t though was a man that took orders. So when he was ordered to do something against his will by the U.S. Government he did what he always did. He rebelled.

Hard Wind is a continuation of a series of western sci-fi novels that feature adventure, action, and faith. Christian Speculative Fiction – learn to love it!


“What can you tell me of your older brother Taran?”

Blinking with surprise, I tried to cover up my startlemeant at the question by saying, “That traitor! Not much. I haven’t seen him in years. In fact, not since the war when he went to go fight as a damned Yankee.”

Lawrence nodded and brought up a sheaf of papers laying on the massive desk before him and said, “Fortunately for you I believe you. I’m told the departure of your brother to fight for the North caused quite a rile between the two of you.”

A little shaken I asked, “How do you know that?”

Lawrence smiled at me in a not very nice way and said deprecatingly, “I make it my business to be well-informed of all matters that pertain to my interests. Now let’s see here. You had quite the military record fighting on behalf of the Confederacy. You were promoted and demoted from the rank of Sgt. seven times. Almost executed for insubordination on two separate occasions and yet you were awarded more medals and commendations for bravery than any other soldier in your entire division. It says here that you showed a complete disregard for danger and that you volunteered for every dangerous job that came along. In short these reports tell me that you are a born killer that takes issue with authority figures. Am I right?”

I shrugged, “Mostly. I like to think that there’s more to me than that, but on second thought I am pretty well as much of a lost cause as the war I fought in.”

Lawrence regarded me closely for a moment before saying, “I can use men like you, but get this straight I’m the boss!”

“You’re the boss.” I affirmed.

He nodded, as if believing me and perhaps he did. Poor fool.

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Hard Wind

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